We met an older lady on visitation. Her name is Auntie Agnus. Everyone in that area knows Auntie Agnus. I have met her before, but it was awhile ago. We where talking with her near her home and she was about to leave, so I asked her about her salvation, she told me that she has accepted Christ. I told her she was my friend and I want to see her in heaven, so I couldn't let her go without being sure. Well then she asked us where are church was, she wanted to go with us so I could show her where we meet. Our church is just behind her house. On the way we met Mack and Prince so I introduced her. Even on the way, people where yelling Antie Agnus and she would stop and wave. Esther a girl from our church, saw us and even knew Antie Agnus. She is a live wire! So we headed back to her house, on the way I asked her how old she was, she said, 70+, she was thinking, then she said 78. I was shocked. She is very fit, however the longer we talked, I realized, she was forgetful. She invited us into her room. He daughter came into the room, as we where talking with her. They go to church at Faith Alive. Antie Agnus, teaches a class there. I then asked her daughter about salvation and she too has accepted Christ. We pass out John and Romans as we go out, and there on the table her daughter pulls one out. She said, I have one of your books, I said, well, it is two books of the Bible from the KJV, she said I read out of the KJV. We discussed that a bit. Her daughter told me, her mom has told many people about Christ. We said our good-byes and continued visiting and walked back to the church.
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