Thursday, October 8, 2020

From A Distance

Our son Matthew got engaged in December 2019. They were going to wait until April 2021 to have the wedding, so we could be home for it. In July, I think it was. He dropped the bomb of possibly moving the wedding to this September. Which we were all for except one major problem. The borders in Ghana were closed. We couldn't get home if we wanted to. It was a pretty emotional time. How could he get married and we cannot be there? We had a hard week. The next week, he confirmed, yes, I think we are going to move it to September. Now, the initial shock of the news was over, and as the smoke began to clear, it was still very hard to talk about without crying. Once he made his decision, God began to work. Another week passed. We got a phone call. A couple and their Sunday school class was going to help pay for the plane tickets home. We were excited!! However, the borders in Ghana are still closed, no one comes in to Ghana, no one goes out. We can't get home. Now, we are in the month of August. We hear some flights are flying into Ghana and then to Dubai. Then we would have to make connection to get to the US. These tickets were very costly. We thought, what if one or two of us flew home for the wedding? I was not wanting to go this route. Also, what about quarantine? What if we get separated for some time because of the restriction due to the virus? We just kept praying and trusting God. 

The President of Ghana would address the nation about every two weeks. Lifting restrictions or making an announcement of any news we should adhere to. Then we heard the news. Ghana will be opening their borders September 1st, if the airport passes all requirements for travel. Woo hoo, only God, can open doors that have been shut for 6 months. We began making plans to travel. Do we need to quarantine there?What about when we come back into the country? Questions, questions, questions. No one had answers. It was so frustrating. We had to pack up our house, get men to fill in for our Bible study in Anaji. It was a whirlwind of activity. We left for the capital a few days early. We got a Covid test (which we didn't need). Got to the airport for our long journey. Finally, sitting on the plane getting ready for take off. We made it. Sitting there looking out the window, reflecting on all that God did to get us here. I have no words. I am just in awe at His goodness. 

Back home, seeing our family and our church family has been refreshing to me. I missed them. I am trying real hard not to mother Matthew. How do you do that? I am trying to find my new place and not over step the boundary. As I enter this new season, I can't help but relate more and more with my mother-in-law. When I left Naomi and Matthew in the States and got on the plane to go back to Ghana, I looked at my mother-in-law and said, now, I understand how hard it is to leave your kids (or in her case watch them leave). She's been doing this for years and years. She has 4 sons and 4 daughter-in-laws. I know how I felt about my mother-in-law and I am trying hard to let go and watch from a distance. My mother-in-law must be very patient to deal with all us in-laws. I am thankful for her faithfulness over the years. Her love and understanding. It must be/it is, hard to watch from a distance.  

If all goes well, we should be back in the country in October and be back to work on the building in Ghana. If you honor God, he will honor you. 

It was a beautiful wedding and they had a beautiful September day. Mack got to marry Matthew and Sarah, with his older brother, who is also our Pastor, did the Welcoming and Admonishment in the begining of the wedding. Mack and I were married in the same spot with his older brother marring us, 24 years ago. It was a wonderful day and glad we could be here for this special day. 



Rehearsal  Dinner

Grandpa checking out the pies.

Waiting for his bride.

My favorite picture.

Mr & Mrs. Matthew Siekbert Jr.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pondered Thoughts

 I have thought and pondered what is happening around the globe. I’ve watched and observed as America is dealing with this Corona Virus. Then it came to Ghana, we heard March 12th  that we had our first two case of the virus. Then I was fearful of the unknown. Then our President said, “All Americans should come home or be prepared to stay indefinitely.” More fear of the unknown. Then, I had to stop. I had to quit listening to the news and people. I had to stop and listen to what God was saying. As of right now Ghana has a low percentage of people with the virus. However it can spread quickly in our small country. 

I’ve thought, why? Why is this happening? We as Christians need to be out there telling people how to miss an eternal hell. Then I thought we are not out there anyway. We are not out in our communities we don’t know our neighbors. We as Christians have already been in isolation, we already have been social distancing. 

Then I thought if anyone wants to hear the message of Christ surely they could hear it on Facebook. Suddenly everyone is online. Then I thought if Christians won’t do their job, God would use whatever means to get His message out. If we are hiding behind our church walls and never going out to invite and witness Christ to people then what does He need us for anyway. He will get His job done with or without us. Ezk 28:22 “...and I will be glorified in the midst of thee: and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall have executed judgments in her, and shall be sanctified in her.”

The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo has done a good job. Because Ghana is a few weeks behind the U.S. he has been on top of things at the start of any virus. We had our first two cases on March 12, 2020. Schools and churches closed, as of March 17th.  We in Takoradi are not in lock-down yet. Some parts of the country are. The schools and church are our main ministries. I was looking forward to a break from the schools; in Ghana the schools break for the month of April. I was gearing up towards my Easter lessons, asking the kids why we celebrate Easter, getting them prepared for my lesson to come. They call it Resurrection Sunday. Then school did go on break, before I was ready. I was disappointed, I wasn’t going to be able to do my lesson on Christ’s Ressurrection. We also planned a VBS for Easter Monday-Friday. That has also been postponed. We as a family still have church services on our front porch. Pastor Prince has been recording his message on Sunday and sharing them on WhatsApp. School for my kids has not closed. Actually they only have 12 days of this school year left. Joseph is eager to begin his senior year of high school. We will probably begin t in May for the next school year. We are stuck at home anyway. April is the beginning of rainy season here in Ghana. Our well is pretty low, we pump up enough water to take a quick shower and flush the toilets. Some things have been put on hold (our dogs need a bath) due to no water. I am looking up, for Christ, but also the rains.  

Check out our Making progress on the church property. Check out the pictures. 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Encouragement Along the Way

I received a message from a friend saying, I am praying for you as you are without Naomi, and Matthew for the Holidays. We love you and miss you. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I was feeling sorry for myself and missing my children. My kids have been away for some time but it has hit me hard because they are growing and I am not there to have a part in that growing. "It’s not fair", I cry to the Lord. Yesterday was just not a good day. This morning I woke, read my Bible and prayed. I listened to a sermon as I was hanging up the clothes. In his sermon he said, he would obey God, whatever that meant. Then I went into the kitchen and started preparations for our Christmas Eve Pizza tonight and breakfast preparations ready for Christmas morning.  I was listening to Tricia Crabtree and her song, “Bury My Heart On The Mission Field”. She sang the part of “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, whatever the cost. I just cried. It’s easy to sing the song, but to live it, it’s not so easy. God has a plan not just for me but for my children. I will trust you. 

Prior to the above message, three individuals sent me notes of encouragement. When Mack brought in the mail, I thought, oh, some Christmas and Birthday cards. No, they were notes saying they are praying for us and wanted to send a note of encouragement.  That meant a lot to me. Especially feeling sorry for myself being here when I want to be there. They had lifted us up in prayer before I realized I was going to need it. God already knew, obviously, but those people didn't know how much I needed it. 

We had a nice Christmas and Birthday's on either side. We had a break from home school and got to take the boys swimming for Nehemiah's birthday. Nehemiah's birthday was on Thanksgiving Day, so we had cake and went swimming on Friday. We had missionary friends join in our celebrations. It was a good distraction and also to focus on our boys for their birthdays. Joseph's birthday brings in the new year on January 3rd. 

I am excited about the New Year, 2020. I am feeling encouraged and want to thank those of you who pray for us. We all need lifted up in prayer. I pray for many of you and our church families each week. 

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