I have realized that those who are creative, can see the big picture. They can visualize the finished product. I on the other hand cannot. I see the plain piece of cloth, you say you can make a dress out of that? I see the broken down building, you can fix it up and and it will be great? Naomi and even my husband, can look at something and see the end result. Perfect example: Naomi made these shell animals. Very creative, me, I see shells, until she shows me the finished product. Many days my kids get creative out of boredom.
Naomi made these out of shells |
Signing to the deaf lady. We know very little sign language. This lady has a shop across from the church. In one of my
previous post I mentioned her. I have taught Nehemiah a few signs and she is signing to Nehemiah. I think she had her hearing at one time, because she can say some words and we can understand her, also her and Naomi write back and forth. Nehemiah, he didn't realize there where deaf people, until we saw her on visitation. Nehemiah didn't know what to think. I then explained it to him that that is why we learn the signs because there are people who can't hear or talk. He was ready the next week. |
Kids on visitation
Peter, in baptismal class |
Matthew started teaching Sunday School, Shadrick is helping translate. |
Boys in Sunday School |
Dinah joining the church on Sunday |
Love the shell animals! My girls will love to see them :)