Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The "Sun" or "Son"

For the past couple of months it has rained every day in our part of Ghana. The ground has been wet and soggy. Puddles left behind after the rains have ceased. Ghanaian’s rely on the “sun” to dry their wet, dripping clothes. The “sun” is still high in the sky, but is not fully beating down upon the land. It is covered by the rain clouds.

As I was washing my clothes, I rely on the “sun” to dry my clothes also, but because of all this rain, I have been using my clothes dryer. One day I was relying on my dryer and it did not turn on. Due to the rain, I hung my clothes all around the living room under the fan and it got me thinking of this subject. How we rely on the “sun”. Then I thought, no, we rely on the “Son” for the “sun”. 

Just like we need the “sun” to come up everyday and provide for us light and warmth and to help our clothes get dry. We also need the “Son” everyday. God provides for us, He is our light and He is our help through our day. I rely on the “Son”. Some days the “Son” is still high in the sky but is blocked by our sin or by not seeking the “Son” daily, so it seems it is covered by a cloud of gray. We need to remove the sin cloud and have access to the “Son”. 

The "sun" does shine again. 

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