Monday, April 29, 2013

A Bit of Fun!

We took a day off school today to have a little fun in the sun. We are almost finished with school. The two younger ones will be finished in two weeks. The other two will be finished by the 1st week in June. 

I sent Nehemiah to read a book after dinner while we cleaned up.  He got in a book or two and then was fast asleep. 

She may get me for this one later....ha ha...  Naomi has been trying different hairsyles. No, she did not wear her hair like this. She was going to bed. You twist it up and secure it. In the morning it is curly. My Grandma used to do this to her hair. Her hair was much shorter but she used to twist it and secure it with a bobby pin. In the morning her hair was curled. Nothing new under the sun. 

Enjoying some refreshments after playing in the sun!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I borrowed the funny pic of Naomi for my blog ~ tell her I promise NO NAME on it! If it really bugs her, I'll take it off :)
    Looks like you all had fun!


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