Monday, April 29, 2013

A Bit of Fun!

We took a day off school today to have a little fun in the sun. We are almost finished with school. The two younger ones will be finished in two weeks. The other two will be finished by the 1st week in June. 

I sent Nehemiah to read a book after dinner while we cleaned up.  He got in a book or two and then was fast asleep. 

She may get me for this one later....ha ha...  Naomi has been trying different hairsyles. No, she did not wear her hair like this. She was going to bed. You twist it up and secure it. In the morning it is curly. My Grandma used to do this to her hair. Her hair was much shorter but she used to twist it and secure it with a bobby pin. In the morning her hair was curled. Nothing new under the sun. 

Enjoying some refreshments after playing in the sun!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Gal_6:9  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Reaping is hard work. We have one lime tree and many banana and plantain trees. It is not real hard to harvest them. When we where on furlough we stayed in a farm house. There was corn fields as far as the eye could see. That is a major reaping job. Even with tractors and reaping machines it still takes days of reaping. I also think of many in the Bible that we find reaping and harvesting. Ruth spent many days behind the reapers. Ruth 2:7  And she said, I pray you, let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves: so she came, and hath continued even from the morning until now, that she tarried a little in the house. Throughout the Bible we see the harvest mentioned. If you have fields that need harvested, you will want labourers to help you. I imagine the farmers feel like fainting when it is harvest time, because of all the hard work. He needs labourers to help or the work won't get done.

Mat_9:37  Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Mat_9:38  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

We have a job to do: Mar_13:10  And the gospel must first be published among all nations. Mar_16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Bob Hayes a missionary to Ghana for over 35 years once said. "The fruit will rot on the vine, before we get enough labourers in the field."

Our little harvest:

Monday, April 22, 2013


Sunday night Koasi preached about "The Secrets of Abundant Life." in John chapter 15, by abiding in the vine. While teaching he said we obey God out of fear. A proper fear. God wants us to go beyond and obey out of love. He also mentioned a servant has a fear of the master, but doesn't have access to the master, like a friend does. God wants us to be a friend. A friend has access to the master. Have fear but also go beyond fear and have a relationship of love.

Joh 15:15  Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

Here are a few of our friends:

Peter came over Saturday night and then went to church with us on Sunday. It was his birthday on Thursday.  So I made him a cake. He was surprised. They don't celebrate their birthdays here. Many of them don't know when their birthdays are. Some know the month but not the date and some older folks know the year but that is all. He said, "I didn't get a cake for my birthday, I had to work. Carrying bags of cement, I had a headache afterwards." We said, well sometimes that happens, you have to do what you have to do. Peter is 15 years old.

William came to church this Sunday. His mother Comfort and sister Rebekah came as well. He also brought a friend Junior. That is encouraging that he wants to see others come to church and get saved. Mack is doing a Bible study with William at his house on Saturdays.

Comfort, Rebekah, William and Junior

Kendall has been with us since we came to Takoradi. He was a neighbor boy who came over to play with our boys. He started coming to church and got saved. We have known Kendall since he was 11 years old. He will be 20 in May. He will graduate from school in May as well. They are all getting old.

Pro_18:24  A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

CBBC 6 Year Anniversary

We celebrated Cornerstone Biblical Baptist Church's 6th Anniversary today, April 14th. We had a baptism after the morning service, and then we had food and fellowship after that. It is hard to believe it has been 6 years already. We enjoyed the Lord's day, enjoy the pictures!

Mack presenting the church with pew Bibles from BPS

Pastor Koasi's 1st baptism

These girls are growing up!

Evelyn receiving her baptismal certificate from Pastor Prince

Peter receiving his baptismal certificate from Pastor Prince

In Need of Repair

It seems everything needs fixing all at once. If one thing breaks, so does another. The last couple of days we have been repairing the broken things. They are not big items, but items that sure do help when they work. We have needed some ceiling fans in our bedrooms. We have repaired them often and they just where dragging. Mack replaced ours and Naomi's ceiling fans. Ahh! air! The clothes line broke last week, of course there where clothes on the line, and it came down. So Matthew rode his bike to get some new line. While we put that up, Matthew noticed an outside light had fallen off the wall. Yes, another thing to fix. We heard a crash the other night while sleeping, Mack got up to investigate. He found nothing. The dogs weren't barking so we just went back to sleep. The light falling must have been the crash we heard. So Matthew took his bike to get another light fixture for outside. They boys put that up, "let there be light."The next day Matthew replaced all the broken bulbs inside and outside. "We can see." Mack and Joe worked on the lights on the car replacing the brake lights and things. Mack said they would work, until he hit another bump in the road, which is inevitable. Mack has to get the car inspected this week. The driveways need weeded, but with all the little repairs they did not make much headway on that. Naomi and I cleaned up the inside and made dinner while the men where fixing things. Then last night to top it off, our well is at rock bottom. So we are running off our tanks on top of the house. So hopefully our well will fill back up enough to keep the tanks full, until the rains come.

William is a man that works at the mechanics place where my husband goes to get his car fixed. Mack has been have a bible study with William at his house. William got saved and came to church this Sunday. After church we dropped William off at his house. Mack wanted us to meet William's mother and father. So we went to greet them all. Well it ended up, she had lunch for us. We had banku with fish and bean stew of some kind. It was good. Very nice people. Pray that his family will also be saved and come to church. Pray for Linda at our church, she will have a 3rd surgery. Shadrick fell off a ladder and twisted his arm, pray for him as well. It's true even we need repaired.


Friday, April 5, 2013

A Week Later

I made a resurrection cake! wow! My kids where so excited. They enjoyed eating it as well.

Easter Egg Hunt

Joe, Nicholas, Peter, Nehemiah on visitation

Easter Monday is a big day here in Ghana, so we had game day at the church.

Mack took me to a hotel for our anniversary, the kids got to swim before they had to go home for the night.  The kids said they where glad it was our anniversary!!!!
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