We have been quite busy since this new year began. We have two birthday's this month, tomorrow is my handsome husbands. I won't tell you how OLD.
We have moved our evening church services back one hour. We have been going out before church on Wednesdays, inviting folks to come to church and if the opportunity arises to witness and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also moved our Saturday soul-warning (winning) to 2:00 on Saturdays. I have to say, I was a little, okay very upset about moving Wednesday services later so we can go
earlier?? I was not to happy. However much to my dismay, I have enjoyed and even look forward to going out on Wednesday. Which brings me to a story about Peter, Emmanuella and Ebeneezer. The are some kids who have been coming to church since our Revival in October, faithfully, every Sunday. This Sunday before church started they where there helping set up the tent for Jr. church. Mack was able to talk with Peter and he accepted Christ. We knew his mom had a store near the church but we didn't know where. As Naomi and me were out inviting folks to church, we ran across a few people we knew and even a teen age boy who used to come to church, we tried to encourage him to come back. It was getting late so we started to head back to the church. I told Naomi, "Let's pass this way, I want to see if we can find Peter." Well we got to talking and our focus was on getting back to the church, I forgot to look for Peter. We had passed many little stores and was almost to the stairs to go up to the main road, then I hear, Madame Jackie, Naomi! PETER! We found Peter, well he found us. There they all were. We got to meet his Mother and Father. I was talking with his dad and asking him questions and I asked him if Peter had told him what he did on Sunday? So I called Peter over and he told his dad that he accepted Christ. I also told his dad if it was okay with him that we would like to start baptismal classes with him. I told them what good kids they where and how much we have enjoyed them, and thanked them for allowing their children to come. I also said, but it would be nice if their mom and dad came also, he agreed, and said he would come some time?? Many Ghanians say I will come, I will come. I do believe and am praying that they will come. We need another good family in our church. Their names are Fergus George and Sarah. I also learned they have another son a little older than Peter, whose name is George Jr.