The kids stayed home for this trip. My husbands niece came and watched them and took them to school everyday. A big thank you to her.
My mom said to be thankful for the MS because God used the MS to help with the other health needs that I would not have dealt with or found out. In everything give thanks!! It amazes me that the doctors are so quick to diagnose and give drugs, but never get to the real problem. They never checked my sugar, my blood pressure has been on the high side. My liver and colon need help. Never once did they check or look at any of those things. I am not a health fanatic, (not yet) but the more I learn what God has made vs. man made drugs and all the chemicals I just don't understand. Yet I am thankful for the advances on medicine and the life saving techniques available to us today. Then I ask myself what did they did back in the olden days? Died? ha ha I can tell you they didn't have all the processed foods or commercialized items we have today.
It is good to be back home, but I have a lot to do. Getting ready to leave the country is no easy task.