I am not good at regularly typing my blog. I think there has been a change in seasons since I first started my blog. Maybe there is no interest on either side? I type here for my own record my journal and if you'd like to read along, your welcome too.
My last blog post was our son Joseph graduating from High School. He worked night and day to get money to pay for his first 2 years of Bible school. He is doing well and is now home working on Christmas break.
We had another wedding in September 2021. This time it was our daughter. I can't believe these kids are all growing up and starting their lives. Matthew and Sarah got married September 2020 and celebrated their 1 year anniversary.
A lot has happened in the last two years. Which brings me to the main reason I am writing. I am continuing my Bible reading and have added Scripture writing. I read my Bible mostly every day last year, but I did not read through the whole Bible. Anyways I am currently reading through the book of Job and the Scripture writing theme is TRUST. Well, today as I was reading I found that word "trust" throughout the different passages. Let me back track a little. Since Covid began there was a lot of unknowns. Guess what? I had to "trust" the Lord for all those unknowns. When we went home for Joseph's graduation and we stayed a little longer to get him settled, more restrictions and mandates kept coming. They were talking about mandating the vaccine to get back into Ghana. It made me mad. I don't want the vaccine and I certainly don't want my son to have to take it. You can make yourself sick thinking and worrying about all of it. The Lord gave me a passage in 2 Samuel 22:2-4; 2 Sam 22:31; Isa 41:10 I was just reading my Bible (this was back in September 2021)
Today as I was reading Job, I wasn't even looking for the word "trust" but there it was. Job 13:15. Then in Psalms 34:8,22; 57:1. Since returning to the field in October, they have Mandated the vaccine for anyone coming into the country. I had to quit worrying and "trust' the Lord for whatever will be. Once I surrendered to His will, my burden left. The Lord can and will take care of me vaccine or no vaccine. He knows my hearts desire, my likes and dislikes. I am done worrying about it. It still makes me mad. Satan wants us to live in fear and not to go forward serving the Lord.
I was going to add some more photo's but having internet issues. :)
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