The sun is shining. The trees are budding. The chill is still lingering, but you can feel the sun wanting to take over. It is exciting to see new life. Greener grass and trees. People are shedding their layers and putting away the winter hats and gloves. It feels good to have the sun warm you and penetrate your skin. I've missed being warm, okay, hot. Soon I'll be nice and hot, sticky hot.

We have had a great month of April with two Missions Conferences and one last one next week. The churches take such good care of us. It will be remembered for years to come as we are on the field. We will remember when...the wonderful Hershey's Cake was made for us. When we went to play Disc Golf and got to see Niagara Falls. Many, prepared meals for us. The fellowship of seeing old friends and making new ones. The churches that reach out to our kids and make them feel welcome and that they are not forgotten. To those who have sent our college kids cards with a little gift card thrown in. Some have sent them boxes when they remember their churches college kids. Thank you!

As we celebrated Easter, we saw 2 baptized here in Ohio and received news of 2 being baptized in Ghana. It is exciting to see the work continuing and growing in Ghana. We are finishing up here with doctor/dentist appointments and getting the needed items to return to Ghana, June 3rd. We have much to do as we prepare to leave. School is officially finished, well the small minute things still have to be done, but will have that wrapped up by the end of the week.
I am looking forward to; squishing baby Matthew's cheeks (hopefully, he isn't afraid), seeing my girls Sunday school class, going to the Deaf School and interacting with them, getting new puppies, losing weight (furlough weight is awful), having summer year-round, teaching, growing, serving.
Matthew turned 1year old on 3/30 |
I have helped where I can here, but my place is there.
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