Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Class of 2018

There is a new intern teacher at the deaf school. He does a great job. His name is Derek. He lost his hearing when he got sick in college. Now, he has learned sign language and is a teacher to the deaf. He has been teaching us sign language the last few weeks. For now, I am also going to the deaf school for the Sunday school hour. I have enjoyed going. Many of the kids where happy to see me, it has been over a year since I have been to the school. The Deaf School is a boarding school. Little kids 5 all the way up to Senior High board at the school. It makes me sad to see such little kids boarding at the school. They need a mom. Getting ready for our service, Mack and the boys write the Sunday school lesson on the board to be translated. While they are doing this, it gives me time to talk (sign) to some of the students. We communicate with the few signs I know and writing on the chalkboard. I have also gone to their dinning hall, where they eat breakfast before coming over to the school for Sunday service. They’ve enjoyed when I took pictures of them and seeing a little more into their life at the school. When we show up on Saturday for our sign language lessons, the kids are washing their clothes, shoes, bedding or anything that needs washing. They are also fooling around. I have missed teaching my girls Sunday school class. I talked with the girls before I made the decision to go to the deaf school. They said go, and teach us when school breaks in December. Christmas break is about a month long break, so I will get to teach them then.

Class of 2018. Matthew will graduate in May of 2018. Nehemiah turns 11 this November. Joseph will be 16 in January. Naomi is doing well. We talk to her once a week. She says she doesn’t miss us, but each time we talk that pause gets a little longer. For the last 6 months, Naomi has not been a part of anything we have done, it's a strange feeling. When you are an ocean away, it really seems a lot longer than 6 months. We are focused on getting Matthew ready to leave us too. Matthew is halfway done with his senior year. He wants to get done early. 

Saturday Sign Language classes, the deaf kids where giving Nehemiah a mohawk. They were amaszed that his hair moved...and that they could comb it like that. 

We had our Revival at CBBC the last week in October. We’ve passed out a Bible to those who came to every service of the Revival. We passed out John and Romans this Saturday in Sekondi.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving. We have invited 4 missionary families over to share Thanksgiving with us. I am looking forward to getting together. It will be fun!!

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