Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Thanksgiving, 14 Years and 11 Years?

We had 5 missionary families over for Thanksgiving. I enjoyed myself, I think everyone else did as well. It was so good to see those we don't get to see often. We are thankful for our missionary family here in Ghana.

The ladies watching the guys play volleyball

playing volleyball

The schools here are on Christmas break until the middle of January. Also the Bible Classes we have at the church and West Ridge Public School are on break. That means I am back to teaching our girls Sunday school class. After our lesson on our last day at the Deaf School, we passed out a bag of candy and biscuits to the youngest class. The middle aged class we handed out the candy and biscuits and a New Testament. To the oldest class (Jr/High School) we gave out toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss. This also means our sign language teacher is also leaving as he was just interning for the semester.

Thank You

We have an eleven year old in our house. I remember being the stuffed turkey the year he was born. We where in the States on furlough. We had a nice Thanksgiving with family and all that good food. I was so miserable, I couldn't eat much. I just kept thinking of all this good food we don't get in Africa. The Tuesday after Thanksgiving he was born. His birthday is 11/28. November also marks 14 years in Ghana.

Naomi is in Ohio for Christmas. I want to thank all those who have helped her the last seven months. Sending her notes, gift cards, packages, financial gifts,  to picking her up and dropping her off at the airport, and staying with family. Thank you!!

Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Class of 2018

There is a new intern teacher at the deaf school. He does a great job. His name is Derek. He lost his hearing when he got sick in college. Now, he has learned sign language and is a teacher to the deaf. He has been teaching us sign language the last few weeks. For now, I am also going to the deaf school for the Sunday school hour. I have enjoyed going. Many of the kids where happy to see me, it has been over a year since I have been to the school. The Deaf School is a boarding school. Little kids 5 all the way up to Senior High board at the school. It makes me sad to see such little kids boarding at the school. They need a mom. Getting ready for our service, Mack and the boys write the Sunday school lesson on the board to be translated. While they are doing this, it gives me time to talk (sign) to some of the students. We communicate with the few signs I know and writing on the chalkboard. I have also gone to their dinning hall, where they eat breakfast before coming over to the school for Sunday service. They’ve enjoyed when I took pictures of them and seeing a little more into their life at the school. When we show up on Saturday for our sign language lessons, the kids are washing their clothes, shoes, bedding or anything that needs washing. They are also fooling around. I have missed teaching my girls Sunday school class. I talked with the girls before I made the decision to go to the deaf school. They said go, and teach us when school breaks in December. Christmas break is about a month long break, so I will get to teach them then.

Class of 2018. Matthew will graduate in May of 2018. Nehemiah turns 11 this November. Joseph will be 16 in January. Naomi is doing well. We talk to her once a week. She says she doesn’t miss us, but each time we talk that pause gets a little longer. For the last 6 months, Naomi has not been a part of anything we have done, it's a strange feeling. When you are an ocean away, it really seems a lot longer than 6 months. We are focused on getting Matthew ready to leave us too. Matthew is halfway done with his senior year. He wants to get done early. 

Saturday Sign Language classes, the deaf kids where giving Nehemiah a mohawk. They were amaszed that his hair moved...and that they could comb it like that. 

We had our Revival at CBBC the last week in October. We’ve passed out a Bible to those who came to every service of the Revival. We passed out John and Romans this Saturday in Sekondi.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving. We have invited 4 missionary families over to share Thanksgiving with us. I am looking forward to getting together. It will be fun!!

Monday, August 21, 2017

VBS 4 1/2

This summer starting in May, Mack said we were going to do 4 Vacation Bible Schools (VBS). I was not very excited to hear this news. Our 1st one was in Kojokrom where we have service on Sunday evening and Wednesday prayer meeting.

The 2nd was in Nkontompo. My first introduction to this village was a movie outreach we held there. I did not like this place. I was told the week before our movie someone was killed there in the football field. I was a little uneasy to say the least. When Mack said, we are having VBS in Nkontompo, I was dreading it. Prince and Linda have been bringing two kids from this village from our first movie outreach about a year ago. Due to having VBS we have been able to start 2 Bible studies here on Tuesdays. One with Samuel a man Mack talked with and Samuel invited Mack and the men to have a Bible study with him. The next is Emma. Emma brought her niece to VBS during the week. She began helping a little with the kids toward the end of the week. Linda and I go to her house and have a Bile study. Mack met another man named, Freedom, on the Saturday after VBS. Freedom visited our church and the 2nd week received Christ as his Savior. Freedom is now taking the baptism classes and is planning on taking the evening Bible Classes at our church. As we walk to Emma’s house, all the kids we pass quote the verses we taught them during the week. This now has been my favorite village that we held VBS.

The 3rd was in Ekuasi, this is where the church property is, that we are working on. This is a small village, but many kids. I also gave out some of the sun dresses that where donated to us last year.

Our 4th was at our church CBBC, in Sekondi. For the previous villages it was the first time we ever held VBS, it was new and exciting for them and we learned together how to have order and get our classes in. At CBBC we have been doing VBS for many years and it was nice to see the kids fall in line and know what to do. We had a great turnout for each VBS, many kids are now coming for Sunday School. This was supposed to be our final VBS...

We had some visitors from the states and we decided to hold a 3 day mini VBS in the village we missed, Essimon. This is the village Prince and Linda live. All the kids know Prince now and where he stays. This has been a great outreach and testimony for our church. We also held some Dental Hygiene outreaches during this week in the mornings. We had a Bible tent set up to witness and tell people the Gospel, then they where sent the Dental Hygiene tent. We were able to give out toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss. We had a great visit with our guests.

Many of the workers that helped for all the VBS's would come quickly after their work day or even we would pick them up at school, they would get out of their last class. To show how much we love and appreciate them and their hard work we had a VBS worker’s lunch at our house. We had a fun time of fellowship and the game of “Pit”, got a little out of hand. We couldn't of done it without their faithfulness. We have had many adult visitors over this summer. It was a lot of work. I'm ready to do it again next year!!...I think.






VBS Workers Lunch

Dental Hygiene

VBS Essimon

Bible Study with Emma
Bible Study with Samuel 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Class of 2017

Naomi has graduated. She was able to walk with her graduating class of home schoolers at Abeka Academy in Florida. She has been accepted at Pensacola Christian College and began the summer work program there the Monday after graduation. I, with the boys was able to see the graduation through live streaming of the graduation, so thankful. I wish I could have been there for her and to see her graduate, besides, didn't I do as much work as her for the past 13 years. hahaha. I wanted to see her get settled into her dorm room and all that. God knows and it's not a mistake. I was asked recently who my favorite Bible character was. I said, without hesitating, Jochebed. I've always loved that story. It just amazes me. Jochebed trusted and feared her God, she gave her son to His care, and trusted Him to take care of him. God blesses her and gives her son back to her. Only God can do something like that. That is where I am at again. I have given my children to the Lord when they where newborns. I have had to do it again once we got to Africa, I am doing it again now as she is away from our home. God loves and cares for her. I have to trust Him to watch over her and take care of her. He did it when she was small, He did it while in Africa, He can do it now.

Her last Sunday in Africa

Our family gave her a graduation party, so thankful

Grandma took her shopping 


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