Monday, December 19, 2016

Does That Mean They Want More Cookies?

Cookie Time! The youth in our church wanted to thank the company who provided orange drinks to give out to the kids during VBS this year. So we made up a couple plates of cookies and delivered them on Monday. They in return gave us more drinks. Does that mean they want more cookies? So we are going to use the drinks for our Christmas gathering this Friday.

We watched a Christmas movie and had popcorn afterward

Isaac (in the blue) brings a smile to my face. He lost his dad not to long ago. He has showed up at church for the past 4 weeks early to help set up the Sunday school tent. Continue to pray for Isaac. 


Gideon helping dust the chairs

The Deaf School has been going well. I do not go, as I teach the teen girls Sunday school class at church. My husband says since the headmaster retired the atmosphere has changed for the better. They have not hired a new headmaster as of yet. The man in charge helps my husband interpret. My husband says he is really good. Also the man who helps, has children who go to West Ridge the school my husband, Prince, Koasi and Matthew teach at every Wednesday. 

We had some dresses donated to us and gave them out to the girls at the deaf school. This Sunday was their last Sunday before Christmas break. We asked if they could wear their dresses to get a picture. They usually wear all white for chapel services. We also passed out 240 bags of goodies to the students, and ran out. It's hard to get a count of the students because they don't all show up for chapel every week. 

Prince and Linda came over for dinner on Saturday. We played "Bible Trivia," then ate dinner. Afterward we played a fun game of "Pit" and had dessert. Those cows kept getting passed around, nobody wanted them. It was rather loud at our house. Thankful for Prince and Linda and their faithfulness, it helps to encourage one another. 

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Captain's Crew

A floating book store? Logos Hope came into the Sekondi Navy Port, in October. Our church is just around the corner from the Navy base. As a family we took the day off of school to head to the ship. It was something we were looking forward to, once we heard the ship was coming to Sekondi. We where busy looking around at all the books, when a lady approached Naomi and I. She introduced herself, and asked if we would like a tour of the ship. "Sure," I gathered the rest of the family. Then she asked, "Would you like some lunch?" This was totally unexpected and a special treat for us. We were invited to come back the next week for lunch and to see a play that the some of the crew members put on. 

We invited her to church that Sunday and she came with a few others from the ship. There was a line of hundreds maybe thousands of people waiting to get a look at the book store. We where able to invite many to church. Many people knew's not hard when you are the only white people. Faithfulness is the key. Living as an example before them in everyday life. It was a special time that we will carry with us for awhile. 

Inside the Captain's bridge

Captain Mack and his crew

Before the play began

Our Revival at our church was October 23-26. The Topic was on "Building" we looked at what Noah built. We had good attendance all week. 

Prince and Linda singing for our Revival 

Some pictures of Saturday visitation in Kojokrom.

They are expanding the main road in front of our house. It will be a 4 lane road.
We even have street signs. We are getting up with the times. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

If He Falls Out...Property and a Bible Club

We started a Bible Club on Saturday mornings in Kojokrom. I am not sure how this will go, but we started. We wanted to start sooner, however, we were waiting for our doors and windows to be put on the school room where we meet. It took almost 4 months to finally get done. Now that it is done it is so nice not to have to move all the benches and podium around. Cecelia and Elizabeth have been very instrumental in starting this Bible Club. I am the one behind the scenes and they are the ones teaching. 

Saturday we attended another funeral. It was the father of Elizabeth (below) and a brother to a church member. They asked CBBC to to the funeral. Pastor Prince did the service and Pastor Koasi did the graveside. We had Matthew playing the piano, Naomi and her violin and me playing my flute. We played and they sung hymns and it was a whole lot better than their wall of speakers that burst out headache giving music. 

Esther and Naomi, her dads funeral is next month.

They carried the casket all the way to the cemetery. At one point they had that casket above their heads spinning it around. I just hoped the coffin was nailed shut. If he falls out, that won't be a pretty sight. Oh my stars!

Pastor Koasi doing the graveside service. (That is the casket in the ground in front of them)

Ok, here it is....drum roll please....LAND!!!!! Our church has been able to purchase a piece of property. It has been a loooooonnnnnggg process and we are not finished yet. We still need to purchase the lot in front of the one we purchased, so please pray for that. This has been years and years of work, and the men are still working on it. A little, ok, a lot discouraging. The Lord gave me a  couple of verses this morning.

Rev 3:7-8 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Here are some pictures of the land:

From of property looking toward the back
The purchased part is from the back white wall to where they are standing on the left

working on getting the front piece
ocean front poperty (haha) this is the back of property, looking toward the road and the sea

Why the good news at the end? Well, like I said, I have been wanting to write this post for so long. So many times we've been so close and then it has been striped from us. I am a little hesitant and cautious to share. However my husband has shared it on our newsletter, so, I thought it was time. You can check out his newsletter/blog here.

Friday, September 2, 2016

In The Pink

On Thursday, August 19th, our youth hosted a youth activity. A day of Bible sessions, a
Bible quiz on the book of Ruth, sword drills, lunch and a devotion. We where joined by two other churches. CBBC took the win on the Bible quiz. Thankful for the youth in our church. We have watched them grow and take on responsibilities.

Saturday, August 27th, was Isaac's dads funeral. Pray for Isaac, that he remains with the Tackie's (Prince's parents) and is able to stay in church.

Mack praying for the family

The baby is Esther's (in the pink) cousins baby. She died giving birth. Esther's sister is caring and nursing the baby. The baby is so pretty. Ether's dad died almost 2 months ago. The funeral won't be until November. Her older sister died 3 years ago. Esther got saved 8 years ago during VBS when she was 11 years old. Esther spent the night with Naomi after the youth activity 2 weeks ago, she said how much she misses her dad. Thankful for Esther and her faithfulness. Pray for her family as well. 

Linda (Prince's wife, sitting down) doesn't she look good with a baby?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Running Behind

VBS was the first week of August, we ended VBS with 230 on our last day. We saw 4 young people accept Christ and many of the kids came for Sunday morning services. That Monday we also started school. It was a crazy week. Naomi is a Senior this year, Matthew a Junior, Joseph, pushing him into 8th, and Nehemiah 5th. I am really glad we started school, we needed to get back to a routine. We finished school the beginning of May, so we had a good long break.

If your sending one off to college this year here is a great post from Lou Ann Keiser. My child just went to college.” 

Bible Tent Time

Mrs. Linda during craft time, teaching the verse for the day

Nicolina one of our many workers

Elisabeth & Cecelia sisters

The week before VBS inviting kids

A live chicken, a rock, butter, flour, candy, a glass bottle, a long wooden pole. What do these items have to do with anything? At the end of July we had a Scavenger Hunt for the church. We split it up boys vs the girls. They say the boys won, but not really. We had MUCH better things then they did. It came down to a Bible quiz, so the boys took the win. It was a lot of fun and we got into a few heated discussions (not really) but it did get pretty loud.

There is a Youth activity this Friday and a Work Day scheduled for the week after. I will post more on that. I think you will be interested in it. I know I have been waiting to post about this for a long time!!

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