Thursday, May 1, 2014

Where Has Time Gone?

Please check out our friend and fellow missionaries blog. Please pray for them this week.
...Let It Go...and Let God also her previous post For-days-when-you-need-miracle

Where has the time gone? The kids have 3 days left of school. We have been occupied with getting finished. We have been busy with Church Anniversary, Easter, Easter Monday, John & Romans distribution and we showed a film in Kojokrom for an outreach. Sorry, it was to dark to get any good pictures. Bible classes at the church will be finishing up, only 2 more classes. Students here in Ghana are on break from school, so a break from West Ridge devotions on Wednesday.

My husband has re-painted our refrigerator. It was one of those times when he says, "Spray paint"
and I say, "Spray paint?" Not getting the vision of it looking good. In my mind I don't see the finished product, I just see "Spray paint?" I should know better, my husband always does a great job.

Lightly Sanding

I was at the house of a church member and there was a boy there selling cabbage, carrots, cucumber and green pepper. I was going to buy some cabbage. When I went to retrieve my money, I realized I had left it at home. So instead I invited the boy to church. I was quickly told he was Muslim. I said, "That is okay you are still welcome to come." I gave him a John & Romans and told him Jesus is the only way to heaven. I see Bashuru almost every Saturday and before church on Wednesday, selling his vegetables. He often greets me while passing. Once in awhile he will stop. Then I realized he only stops when we are out of sight from other Muslims who might see him talking to the white Christian lady. I came up with a strategy. Every time I see him, I will buy cabbage. Then I get a chance to talk with him, even for a few minutes and be his friend.. Bashuru is still young but in just a couple of years he will be hardened to the gospel. 


Grandma N. sent candy!!!

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