Mary Tackie (Prince's mom) starts the birthday's on the 14th of September, mine is the 15th and Prince's is the 16th. Mary left before I got my camera out. (shucks) So you will have to endure just a picture of me and Prince. Sunburn you ask? yeah! Keep reading and you will know why.
On Saturday we went to Essipon Stadium where we had a church activity with four other Baptist churches. There was soccer, races, bible quiz and preaching. It was a great day. Sitting in the sun most of the day, yes, I got burnt.
Aren't these nice yellow uniforms? I think so! Our church never had uniforms. We would just try to get matching t-shits. We did the best we could. Our church was the first match of the day. The other church came on to the field, and I thought to myself, boy, they look nice in their uniforms. I also thought it would be nice if we looked just as good. Carnal I know, thou shalt not covet etc., etc. Finally our church came out to the field in nice new uniforms. It was a surprise. I was so proud. Yes! I wanted to cry. Why? because they bought their uniforms. It said a lot. No matter how the day went, we had uniforms. Silly, maybe, it's not about the uniforms but they took pride in representing their church. God's church.
The kids got to play a little