Monday, September 23, 2013

See Them "Live"

Mack's dad turned 75 years old on September 19th. We got to "Face Time" him and sing "Happy Birthday" to him on Sunday. We were lucky if we got to send an e-mail 10 years ago. Now we can see them "live." Enjoyed being able to see some of the family and say hello.

Prince preached another great sermon, "He Is Able" He is able; to save, to keep, to succour, to deliver, to do, to give and to subdue. I love our Pastor's! (my husband, Bro.Prince and Bro. Koasi)

Here are some others who have a great blog post this week!!

I had to add this picture! Prince is wanting to get serious picture of himself. Joseph jumped in front of camera just as I snapped the photo. Makes me laugh...

Until next time!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Mary Tackie (Prince's mom) starts the birthday's on the 14th of September, mine is the 15th and Prince's is the 16th. Mary left before I got my camera out. (shucks) So you will have to endure just a picture of me and Prince. Sunburn you ask? yeah! Keep reading and you will know why.

On Saturday we went to Essipon Stadium where we had a church activity with four other Baptist churches. There was soccer, races, bible quiz and preaching. It was a great day. Sitting in the sun most of the day, yes, I got burnt.

Aren't these nice yellow uniforms? I think so! Our church never had uniforms. We would just try to get matching t-shits. We did the best we could. Our church was the first match of the day. The other church came on to the field, and I thought to myself, boy, they look nice in their uniforms. I also thought it would be nice if we looked just as good. Carnal I know, thou shalt not covet etc., etc. Finally our church came out to the field in nice new uniforms. It was a surprise. I was so proud. Yes! I wanted to cry. Why? because they bought their uniforms. It said a lot. No matter how the day went, we had uniforms. Silly, maybe, it's not about the uniforms but they took pride in representing their church. God's church.

The kids got to play a little

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Whale Of A Day

As I was doing my devotions, Mack's phone rang and I answered it. On the line was another missionary telling us we should bring the kids to a place near Sekondi, a whale washed upon the shore. I handed the phone to Mack. I told the kids and they ran to get their shoes on. We hurried to lock up the house to go see the dead whale. We then hurried back so they could start school. It was a short field trip.This is the fourth whale washed on shore in 3 days. Fourth Whale We have visitation and prayer meeting tonight. Have a whale of a day!!!! Sorry I couldn't resist.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Out Of A Job

On Saturday the 31st, Matthew turned 14. We took him shopping in the market (goodwill) for some new church clothes and a couple pair of jeans. He is almost as tall as his dad. We picked up some things for lunch and headed back to the house. We had his birthday meal on Friday, due to some ministry activities on Saturday. I made his cake on Saturday and the guys who take the Bible class at the house got to have his cake also, they didn't mind. Then we headed to visitation.

Joseph (tall) is going to be teaching Jr. church next week. So it looks like I am out of a job. Matthew is still teaching Sunday school. Our goal is and has been to get our church people doing the ministry. We have had a lack because the two girls who did do it before went off to college. It has been good for my kids to do it, now we need to focus again on them continuing the ministry.

Having cake before their class
Matthew looking as handsome as his dad in his new/used outfit.
Beathia she is the little girl on my blog title 

Ebeneezer, Emmanuella and Peter (brother/sister) Wearing their Royal slippers because their Dad just became a King.

 Robert and Samuel are brothers. Robert got saved maybe two months or so ago, he wanted to come to church but his mother wouldn't allow him. Evans talked with his mom and finally agreed to allowing Robert to come to church. After several weeks his father noticed a difference in him and started sending his brother, Samuel with him to church. Amen!

Rooney, Pias and Nicholas (brothers) they have an older brother that comes Albert, but he is away at college.

Elizabeth and Cecelia (sisters)
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