Saturday, July 27, 2013

Encouraging Places

I wasn't going to write a blog post this week. I didn't really have anything. I received some discouraging news this week from my sister, and some prayer request have been added to my prayer list. I listened to this week and a missionary said he was reading Ps 25. So I read that as well. I also found a great new blog this week          I also found another of her posts on All of these encouraged me this week. So stop by and check out thier sites. It was a blessing to me.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Arrows, Beads And A Trip To The Doctors

When we took Mack's parents back to Accra, we stopped at the culture center so they could get souvenir's. My kids made their own bows and arrows before, so Mack thought he would get them some of the ones they make here. Nehemiah was outside observing while they were shooting at the target. He was playing with one of the arrows, throwing into the ground. Well he missed the ground and it landed in his pinkie toe. I cleaned it out and he went to bed. The next morning he had a red streak running up to his ankle. The wound itself was not bad. Mack took him to the doctors to get a tetanus shot and find some Epsom salt to soak his foot. He is all better and doing just fine. He also lost a tooth. He pulled it out Sunday night after church.  

The kids got some bow and arrows from the culture center

Grandpa & Grandma brought Joseph a Science kit
They brought Naomi a lot of beads
Nehemiah lost a tooth!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Godly Heritage

Our parents aren't rich. They won't leave us an inheritance. They have left us something better; salvation; the Bible; and a Godly Heritage. Mack's parents didn't grow up in a Christian family. They got saved once they were married. They started going to church on the bus with her sister. They got saved and their children got saved. The raised 7 children. Four boys who are all in the ministry and three girls. One is a pastor's wife, the other two are serving in their local church. The thing I've learned from my In-laws is that God is first above all things. Their preacher was the man of God, and very respected in their home. If their children and grandchildren continue to teach their children the things of God, the heritage will be passed to the next generation. 

 Deu_6:7  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 

Our family with Mack's parent
I hope you've enjoyed seeing a little of our family. Here are some more pictures taken from Mack and Joey's point of view.

Grandpa talking to the crocodile
Joey...see the smart ones on the other side of the gate?

Sunday School
Baptism Class
The family with our two national pastors
The family before headed to the airport
A good shot of the rope bridges
Mom and Sandy painting posters for VBS
Issac, one chosen for being good, got to wear the VBS shirt with Joey

Saturday, July 6, 2013

On Their Way

VBS is over, Mack's parents have left, they are on their way to Uganda, to see Mack's twin brother and his family as they serve as missionaries there. Here are a few pictures of VBS and the final week his family was here.

Working on making VBS posters for a contest and also to put up around Sekondi
The theme for VBS was "All For Him"
Poster Judging 
The Winner is...Joseph and James
Nicolas, Robert and William got baptized on Sunday
VBS Bible Time
Some of Abi and Naomi's art work. They had a poster to hold up each day for the lesson.
Craft Time
Game Time

Monday, July 1, 2013

Canoe Trip

We went to the Ankobra Beach area, and they have a canoe trip into a village. The canoe ride was 40 minutes one way. I was a little leery at first because they said there were crocodiles in the water??? PTL we never saw any animals in the water. It was quite enjoyable once we got going. 

All the boats got water in them, so Mack is bailing the water out

Ezra enjoying the ride

Joseph helping to row

Once we got to the village, they gave us all coconuts

The Chief of the village, with Mack and Grandpa. The Village only has 12 people living there. We did have to take a canoe to get there.

We had 5 canoes

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