Friday, May 31, 2013

Because Of The Savior

The kids have moved from hammocks to a tepee and some bamboo bunks. You can see the new bamboo structure that the guys put up last week, in the background.

Last year at the end of May our home church from Ohio was here in Ghana. Prince reminded us that their (Prince & Koasi) ordination was a year ago. Where has the time gone? Kendall had a birthday on May 30th, he turned 20 years old. We also celebrated his birthday when the group was here. Kendall is finished with school and is looking for a job and hopes to go to college. We have watched Kendall grow from a young boy, get saved and grow in Christ. He is a good boy, man, and a good friend to my boys. He is trust worthy and in Ghana, that speaks volumes. If the only reason we came to Ghana was for Kendall to get saved, and to see his life changed, it is worth it. It is because of the Saviour. We serve a great God, no regrets. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Let The Rains Begin

We had a busy Saturday. Mack went to William's house for Bible study. He brought William back to the house along with Kendall, Benjamin and Joseph (not my Joseph) as my kids would say big Joseph, to put up a new bamboo structure. Then we had ladies fellowship and visitation.

School has finished for the final year students here in Ghana. They all had a big smile on this week and a look of relief. They don't have a graduation ceremony or anythig, they are just finished that is it. The Bible classes at the church has finished as well.

The rains have started. Sunday we got a good rain in the morning. The weather has been a bit cooler. We have been conserving water. My laundry is suffering. Only two loads a day (that equals 1 American load). So the rainy season is very welcome at our house.

Kendall and Matthew splitting the bamboo, Nehemiah holding it still

For entertainment the kids around here tie a string to a bug and then let it fly around.
Letting the bug fly!
Mathew is standing in the hole and is the same size as Nehemiah
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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Not May Day But B-Day

In Ghana May 1st is a holiday. They celebrate "Labor Day" or it is commonly known as "Worker's Day." Today is very special B-Day in our house. Naomi turned 15 today. Esther and Cecillia came over this afternoon. Esther A. came a little later. They are going to spend the night and go to church with us in the morning. Oh, Mack also let her drive the car yesterday, in a field, she says her leg still hurts from the clutch. The clutch is very hard to push in. I am thankful that the Lord has given us a beautiful daughter to raise her for the Lord.

Naomi requested chilli dogs
Her B-day present
Getting the last of the limes down.  
Note to self: Don't peel a bucket full of limes with cuts on your hands, ouch!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Great Post "Sixteen Ways To Bless A Missionary"

A friend and fellow missionary had a great blog post recently and I thought I would share it with you. "Sixteen Ways To Bless A Missionary"

 Patty also has some other great post. Getting to Know Missionaries. Check them out. Hope it will be a blessing to you.

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