The kids have moved from hammocks to a tepee and some bamboo bunks. You can see the new bamboo structure that the guys put up last week, in the background.
Last year at the end of May our home church from Ohio was here in Ghana. Prince reminded us that their (Prince & Koasi) ordination was a year ago. Where has the time gone? Kendall had a birthday on May 30th, he turned 20 years old. We also celebrated his birthday when the group was here. Kendall is finished with school and is looking for a job and hopes to go to college. We have watched Kendall grow from a young boy, get saved and grow in Christ. He is a good boy, man, and a good friend to my boys. He is trust worthy and in Ghana, that speaks volumes. If the only reason we came to Ghana was for Kendall to get saved, and to see his life changed, it is worth it. It is because of the Saviour. We serve a great God, no regrets.