Every month we've been having a football match and a movie outreach in different villages. The football has been between 3 churches. Our last football match, Kojokrom won!!! We were excited! The guys practiced every week. Our movie outreach has been getting better each time. The last village we saw more adults and just were able to talk to the people. Some where saved. We invite and soul-win before and during the movie.
Kojokrom in Blue, Cornerstone in Red |
This is Abigail. I was talking with her at the movie and she cam to church that Sunday!! I was excited!!! |
Koasi witnessing |
Zachary passing out John & Romans |
Setting up the screen |
the sound |
Matthew passing out John & Romans and witnessing |
Bro. Harrison on the steps and Linda (Prince's wife) standing with the bag |
For Christmas Mack got me some new laminate for my counters. The old stuff I had on there was cracking, chipping and faded. Matthew and Joseph worked hard and put new laminate on them. They look very nice. They had to chisel the laminate to cut it, then spread the glue and file the excess off and smooth it.
On Sunday Prince gets the kids from Kojokrom on a tro-tro, (van) then we take them home after church. Our vehicle is packed. This picture James in sitting on my lap and Nehemiah is crammed in on the other side. The back is stacked two or three high. Overload!!!
This is our latest family picture with Koasi and Prince. Everyone is passing me up. Joseph is catching up to Matthew. We will see if he passes him. Matthew shakes his head, no, it's not going to happen.
Thankful for my family.
Kaitlin and Zachary came with their dad for a visit to Ghana to visit the Harrison's. They invited us over for dinner and fellowship. They brought these face coaster, they were a lot of fun. The one of Nehemiah looks like my dad. ha haha