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Daniel & Breanna Siekbert |
Then we headed down to Pensacola, Florida. We visited PCC for two days, so our kids could see the college. Saw my brother and many people we know. Stayed with the Bowman's and even saw an old friend who was on the mission field with her parents. It was a great two days.
Mack & Dan talking of days gone by. Pastor Atkins

Nehemiahs video teacher Josephs video teacher
My Brother Nolan Nehemiah & Nolan
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This picture was taken while they where in Togo, years ago. |
We were in a new church on Sunday, in North Carolina. What a blessing, they spoiled us. Then we headed to Crown College for a day. Then back to NC for a Wednesday meeting. Then on to Kentucky for a Missions Conference. It was a great week! Stayed with a sweet lady who opened her home to us. Thanks Dawnielle. They gave the missionaries a date night and watched our kids for us. Sunday night the church kids gave all the missionaries kids a love offering. It was a blessing to see all those who are serving in the church and have a heart for missions. We enjoyed bus church with the kids and canvasing for a new church being started out of that church.
Mack seeing if they could balance something on their head, like in Ghana.
Naomi & Dawnielle
Sweet girls in my Sunday school class, ready for their program.
March 30th was our 19th wedding anniversary and also the beginning of our Spring break. We spent a week in the Smokey Mountains with family. We planned this even before we left Ghana. Mack's twin brother is a missionary in Uganda and his other brother Mark was a missionary in Mongolia, he has switched ministries recently. The only time we get to really visit with each other is this week away in TN.
The grandchildren that where there with Mom & Dad Siekbert |
Lesson I learned. God reminded me several times, to be thankful. God is so good to me. One day things did not go as I had planned. I got a little aggravated. Then God dumped blessings into my lap. Then I sat back and felt so guilty of my wrong attitude. I asked God to forgive me, an unthankful brat. Things went as God had planned. I had watched over 3 weeks, the Lord provide and protect us as we traveled. See my kids enjoying being with other church/missionary kids. Church after church, family after family, blessing after blessing and here I am...disgruntled because things didn't go the way I thought they should...shame on me. They went better than little ole me, move aside and let God have His way, it's much better!