We have had a great start reporting back to our churches. We where in two Missions Conference back to back. What a great time of fellowship and seeing everyone again. We had WAY to much food, with a turkey dinner and all. I am going to see how many turkey dinners we can get in before we leave. That is one thing on the field we don't get to enjoy. The stuffing is what makes the meal for me.
We where in Jackson MI, to report back and meet the new pastor of the church. While in Jackson you MUST stop into the "Ice Cream Parlor" We ordered the big one, the 21 scoops of ice cream. They pack these scoops like great big snow balls. Oh my! It was also my birthday!!
The following week in Wolverine MI, Pastor Theaker asked us to teach chapel. Mack taught in the High School chapel at Northern Michigan Christian Academy. I taught the elementary students and I did the "Armour of God." I had brought an armour set and the devil for someone to illustrate while I taught. The kids loved that.
We headed over to NY where we where in a new church for a couple of days for the missions conference. They took us to Vidler's 5 and 10.
Vidler's What a neat store. We where so close to Niagara Falls we had to stop while passing through. What a gorgeous day to spend at the Falls. We even walked over to the Canadian side. Which, I love the horseshoe falls the best. You can get so close to the falls on that side. So pretty. That is where Mack proposed to me on my birthday 18 years ago, in a rose garden near the falls.
At the Rose Garden |
I have a testimony of being at the Falls. Two of my kids had on their Camp Chippewa shirts. They have Medina underneath Camp Chippewa and sure enough even in Canada someone stopped us and said, "I noticed your shirt, we are from Canton, OH." Then we get to tell them about what we do and our Lord. We also saw a lady in an African dress. We stopped to ask her about her dress, she said she was from Cleveland, OH, and her friend from Sierra Leone got her the dress. Again we got to share with her we are missionaries and about the Lord and she said she is going on a Missions trip later this year. The funniest one was the elevator operator he was a black man and he was telling everyone in the elevator we where Christians, can't you just see they have Jesus Christ in their hearts! We enjoyed our day, and every ones legs are sore today from all the walking we did.
Nehemiah got that coons hat at Vidler's |