Mack has challenged us as a family and a church to do more in our personal Bible reading. The kids are getting older so they can read more than the did last year. We have been writing down how the Lord speaks to our heart. It amazes me as I read the Bible, how God says the sames things in different books. I have read a book in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament but I guess I never payed much attention to their message and how God shares with you the same theme. I was reading just to read. Getting something out of it, yes, but not looking for the one things in both passages. Anyway it has been exciting. I know I am just 10 days into it. Mack also downloaded Alexander Scourby on my phone, so I can listen to him. When you listen to him it helps me to understand it more. Today's devotion was about the Rich Young Ruler, who didn't want to give up what he had to follow Christ. I have nothing, but with God I have everything. I am so thankful for those who have given up something, so that I could have. Christ being our greatest example.
Will will have the church address this Sunday night. The youth has planned some youth activities for this year. We are going to be busy. Sounds fun! We have a lot happening in the next 5 months.
School! ugh! I didn't like it before, I don't like it now! I am not the one doing school, but overseer. 4 different grades. HELP! I have a blessing though. We had to order 7th grade English because what we did have was outdated. So thanks to the Consfords, his parents came for a visit. We were able to have them bring the new DVDs and some teachers books for that class. Thank you Ginger and Dad? (don't know his name, sorry) Then another missionary had the new teachers edition text book, which we needed and didn't know it, until yesterday. God has the answer before we even ask. AMEN!
Getting back to Tuesday ladies visitation after the 2 week break we had. It was hot today. Priscilla is doing better at the flute! She is making a noise!! Her goal is to play a song by May. Doesn't have to be a long one just a song. She has learned 5 notes so far, she will be working on those this week. Changing fingers is her exercise and playing those smoothly.