Friday, February 19, 2010


Well with Valentine's Day just Sunday, of course our topic is love. On Monday I did the Ladies Bible Study on Love. The title to our lesson is "Love is not a feeling, but a CHOICE" oh the girls were saying Madame Jackie, love is not a feeling? So I got their attention!! To be fair, love is a feeling, when you think of your parents, you love them, a certain thought or feeling that you have towards them. Your spouse, your children, your family. What does God say about Love? What about your enemies? Do you love them???? What about someone who has been unkind to you? Do you love them? God commands us to love our enemies? This is when love becomes a choice. That feeling is not there. We must choice to love, the unlovely people in this world. God loves them and died form them. We must choose to love like Christ loves.

Keep praying for the building in Sekondi for the church. We hope to have the place by our Anniversary Sunday which is in April. Pray!!

The kids are doing well with their piano lessons. They really enjoy their teacher and spending time with the other missionary children. Matthew and Joseph have been learning to play soccer. Which everyone in Ghana plays. They practice with our watchmen and Kendall a neighborhood boy. Joseph is pretty good, he plays hard and really goes for the ball, he is very competitive. I don't know where he gets that from? We will be home in the States for furlough in June. That is not very far away. There is so much to be done here, but we are excited to see God opening doors for the church here in Sekondi.
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